The Fear of Not Knowing

This is difficult for me to write. I’ve never been one to be afraid…with a few exceptions. I don’t like heights. Last week, I went up into the ceiling of our worship center at church to assist our music minister as he put in two new giant LED spotlights. Turns out, I wasn’t much help. Aaron stood looking over the side, down into the worship center from about 75,000 feet while I clung to the metal crossbars behind him, sweating profusely. I guess I’m not really afraid of heights…but falling from them.

Image result for nervous face

I’m also a bit afraid of unexpected snakes. If I’m going to a pet store or a python shop, I know the snakes are there. I’m not afraid of them. I will even pick them up. However, if I’m opening up my pantry to get some picante chicken Ramen noodles, and I come face-to-face with a King Cobra, I may, in fact, scream like a rabid chimp.

My daughter, Kaitlyn, also wants me to talk about the time she jumped out from behind our car and scared me. It’s the only time I’ve come close to punching a child in the face.

All that being said, there’s not a lot that I am afraid of. One of the most common fears in the world is public speaking. I have no fear of this. I’m not afraid of others’ opinions of me. This probably comes from working in radio for nearly 20 years. There will always be people who have a low opinion of you.

However, these are uncertain days that we live in. I admit, I have experienced fear. I have experienced anxiety. I continue to deal with doubt, worry, and nervousness about the very near future. Let me be clear. I am NOT afraid of this virus. I’m not afraid of an illness. What makes me uneasy is the human response. I worry that I may not be able to keep my job. I wonder what happens if I go to the grocery store and they don’t have the food my family needs (there are currently limits on lettuce, btw). What if they run out of toilet paper? (Kidding!) What if people get so nervous that they stop giving to our churches? What if people no longer support a listener-supported radio station.

What if? What if? What if? What if?

I finally admitted yesterday that the things I fear are things that are beyond my control. As a minister, and a person who counsels people on a regular basis, I tell people ALL THE TIME that they cannot worry about things they cannot control. Now that I am going through the very thing I warn about, I get to practice what I preach.

My wife is always awesome to remind me of the truth when I need to hear it. “Remember,” she said, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and discipline.” That 2 Timothy 1:7. This passage is where Paul is reminding Timothy of where he should place his trust. He is reminding him to trust in God. “God has always taken care of us. He’s not going to stop now,” she reminded me.

As you go about your day today, please remember what you’ve read here today. God loves you and will take care of you.

Love your God, love your neighbor (from a safe distance).


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