So, What is Your Real Job? – Monday Morning Musings

I had coffee with a high school student last week. During the course of our conversation, he asked, “Ok, so…what is your real job?” This dude has known me for about 3 years. Youth ministry, btw, in case you too were wondering. I also DJ, and work seasonally as a carnival barker. My soon-to-be 4-year-oldContinue reading “So, What is Your Real Job? – Monday Morning Musings”

My Son is the Riddler – Monday Morning Musings

Crawford walks into the kitchen and asks me, “Dad, what does a pea become when you drop it in the ocean?” I reply, “I don’t know, bud. What?” He says, “Wet, Dad. It becomes wet.” “I’m not sure if that’s a cigar in his hand or not.” – one of my favorite quotes from myContinue reading “My Son is the Riddler – Monday Morning Musings”

Indigenous Peoples’ Day – Monday Morning Musings

When I was a DJ on The House FM, one of my favorite days to talk about was Columbus Day. I always said that people should celebrate by going into someone else’s home, claim that they ‘discovered it’, and then just live there. Apparently I offended people. I was pretty good at that. Did youContinue reading “Indigenous Peoples’ Day – Monday Morning Musings”

I Used To Be Brent McCoy: Monday Morning Musings

“Hey didn’t you used to be Brent McCoy?” This is a question I get every now & then regarding my status as a former radio DJ. I always answer with, “Yes…still am!” If you put a pretty font & cool-looking background on a quote, it makes is more sharable. (Share this post.) My youngest son,Continue reading “I Used To Be Brent McCoy: Monday Morning Musings”