Dreams & Other Weirdness – Monday Morning Musings

I had another one of those dreams last night…one of the ones where my teeth kept falling out. I hate those. Are there any dreams that are more disturbing than those? I think not. I have two teeth with crowns, one in the back and one of my front teeth…(old basketball injury…thanks, Neil)…In my dream, those two fell out first…then others started falling out. I think I ended up missing about 7 teeth. I actually FELT my mouth when I woke up to make sure they were still in their proper place.celebrities-without-teeth-feat-1-620x400.jpg

“Have you figured out what you’re doing with your hair yet?” is not the greatest compliment.

My son, Crawford, has NEVER played “Fortnite”. Ever. Yet, he constantly talks about the dances, makes jokes, and does drawings of the game. Is this how I was with “Contra”? Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A + B, Select, Start = 30.

“You should vlog”, Aaron, to me. Sorry bro, I’m not wearing enough makeup this morning for that.

With the past few weeks we’ve had…I wanted to share my rule with posting things online. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face…don’t post it.

Social media sometimes gives a voice to those who never had one, but needed it…unfortunately, it also gives a voice to those who never really should have one.

OU lost the Red River Rivalry game against Texas on Saturday. I’m an OU fan, but I didn’t let it ruin my day. I refuse to let a group of 18-22 year-old kids that I’ve never met have control over my well-being.

That’s it for today! Enjoy your week!


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